Saturday, July 25, 2009


BUMIPUTERA stand the initiative of a simple teacher named M. Ng. Dwidjosewojo - Secretary of the Teachers of Dutch Indies (PGHB) as well as Board Secretary of Budi Utomo. Dwidjosewojo an insurance company because the establishment is driven by deep concern for the fate of teachers Bumiputera (indigenous). He first spark ideas in Congress Budi Utomo, 1910. And then realized into the body of the business - as one of the first decisions Congress PGHB at Magelang, 12 February 1912.

As an administrator, in addition to M. Ng. Dwidjosewojo acting as President of Commissioners, also appointed by MKH Soebroto as Director, and M. Adimidjojo as Treasurer. The three people who iniah then known as the "triad" of the Bumiputera, while peletak cornerstone national insurance industry of Indonesia.

Unlike company-shaped Limited Company (PT) - the only ownership by a capitalist, since the beginning of the color has been adopted Bumiputera ownership and Management system is unique, namely the form of a body of "mutual" or "joint venture". All policyholders are the owner of the company - who entrust their representatives on the Board of Representatives Member (CPA) to oversee the way the company. Mutualisme this principle, which is then combined with the idealism and professionalism of managers, is the main strength of Bumiputera to this day.

Travel Bumiputera originally called Onderlinge Levensverzekering Maatschappij PGHB (OL Mij. PGHB) now reaches 9 decades. Throughout it, of course, not be separated from the ebb and flow. Bumiputera as well as historical records of the India trip. Including, for example, events sanering currency rupiah in 1965 - which cut off the company assets, and the warm disaster - multicrisis at the end of the second Millennium. Beyond that, also witnessed the Bumiputera grow, grow, and fall that the company is not able to face the test of time - probably because of competition or the storm crisis. All this is a valuable reflection of the environment that are part of the learning process to maintain the sustainability effort.

And now, enter the third Millennium, the Bumiputera provide employment to around 18,000 workers, protect the more than 9.7 million people of Indonesia, with a network of 576 offices in all corners of Indonesia; the achievements are in the midst of a new insurance industry of Indonesia. Some foreign companies use to invade and enter the domestic market. They become partners in the brisk sepermainan together and raise industry dirintis by the founders of the Bumiputera, 91 years past.

For the Bumiputera, the competition is put new spirit, because the more stressed the need for commitment, hard work, and professionalism. Seeing the length of experience, but to serve people of Indonesia for almost one hundred years of insurance makes the Bumiputera is committed to remain in the host country itself, a nation of insurance for Indonesia - as early founders vision. Bumiputera always want to be in the mind and hearts of the people in Indonesia.

As companies struggle, have Bumiputera philosophy as follows:

1. Idealism
Always keep value in the struggle to lift the dignity dignity of children of the nation according to the history of the nation as a Bumiputera company struggles.

2. Togetherness
Togetherness in the management system to empower companies with the potential of the Bumiputera community, by and for the Bumiputera community as a manifestation of people from the company.

3. Professionalism
Commitment in the management company with corporate governance is good (good corporate governance) and always trying to adjust to demand changes in the environment.

AJB Bumiputera 1912 into a national life insurance company a strong, modern and supported by Human Resources (HR) professionals who uphold the values idialisme and mutualisme.

Bumiputera always done in the brain and the heart of Indonesian society, with:

* Provide quality SERVICES SERVICES AND PRODUCTS insurance as a form of participation in national development through the improvement of welfare of the Indonesian people.
* Organize VARIOUS EDUCATION AND TRAINING to ensure employee competency growth, increased productivity and improved welfare, in order to improve the quality of service to the company's policyholders.
* Encourage WORK CLIMATE motivatif to encourage innovative and internal company business processes effectively and efficiently.


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